Technical Details
Brand: Masterwork
Electronics:Solid State
Country of Manufacture:Japan
Release dates:1964 - 1967
Tracks:1/2 Rec/PB
Speeds: 1 7/8, 3 3/4, 7 1/2
Max Reel Size("): 7"
Number of heads: 2
Head Composition: Permalloy
Head Configuration: full-track-mono
Sound quality rating:5 / 10
Long-term reliability rating: 5/ 10
Additional Details
A budget domestic recorder, this Masterwork 3-speed, half-track mono recorder contained six transistors
and two diodes.
Controls were very simplistic and comprised of a rotary transport function selector, record lock, speed selector and volume/on-off. There was also a 3-digit tape counter and small VU meter.
Inputs were provided for mic and radio/phono and outputs for monitor and external speaker.
Additional Info
Audio output: approx 2 watts / Speaker: 3″ x 6″ / Bias frequency: 56kHz / Inputs: microphone and radio / phono / Outputs: monitor and external sepaker / half-track mono