Technical Details
Brand: Sony
Country of Manufacture:Japan
Release dates:1962 - 1966
Tracks:1/2 Rec/PB
Max Reel Size("): 7"
Head Composition: Permalloy
Head Configuration: full-track-mono
Voltage(s): 110-120v
Sound quality rating:6 / 10
Long-term reliability rating: 6/ 10
Additional Details
The Sony 464 was a fairly impressive machine back in 1962. It was well designed and solidly made with a good deal of attention given to detail.
Standard jack sockets for microphone inputs and miniature jacks sockets for all other outputs and inputs were used and the mains cord/microphone storage compartment was made from pressed steel, not plywood as was the standard practice of the day.
The bottom of the case was simple to remove in order to access the printed circuit, mains transformer, drive motor and speaker. The deck cover also came away very neatly, making the entire machine easily serviceable.