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Sound Rating: 9 / 10 # Owners: 1
Reliability Rating: 8 / 10 Views: 26

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Technical Details

Manufacturer: Sony


Release dates:1976 - 1979

Number of heads: 3

Dimension: 6.7" x 18.1" x 12.6" 460 x 170 x 320mm

Head Configuration: Stereo

Head Composition: Ferrite

Application: Consumer

# Motors: 3

Voltage(s): 110-120v

Frequency Response:15Hz to 27kHz

Wow and Flutter:0.04%

Signal-to-Noise Ratio:67 dB

Sound quality rating:9 / 10

Long-term reliability rating: 8 / 10

Speeds( i.p.s ): 3 3/4

Tape Width: 1/4”

Additional Description

The top-of-the-line from Sony is built like a tank and many of these are still functional.
They sound great but if you prefer a better signal-to-noise ratio, it would be a good idea to use a outboard noise reduction unit.
Available in Germany as Wega E4950 with black faceplate.
Japan- EL-7B or Lo-D D-9000 (Hitachi)

Frequency response
with Type II ELCASET (FeCr)
15 - 27,000 Hz
25 - 22,000 Hz ±3 dB
15 - 25,000 Hz
25 - 20,000 Hz ±3 dB

Recording equalization
TYPE I for Sony SLH tape
TYPE II for Sony FeCr tape
TYPE III for CrO2 type of tape
The switches have no effect on playback.
Optional RM-30 wired remote-control.

Here's a list of what could be done to make an EL- 7 ready to go the distance for many more years.
- replace the two belts
- clean and re-lubricate the transport
- improve the braking by replacing the felt like old brake shoes. Many would recommend using the rubber from an old tape deck drive belt that would be approximately 1/8 of an inch wide with a thin profile.
- capacitor upgrades would be a bonus


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