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Sound Rating: 5 / 10 # Owners: 1
Relaibility Rating: 5 / 10 Views:

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Technical Details

Brand: Sony






Country of Manufacture:Japan

Tracks:1/2 Rec/PB

Speeds: 7 1/2

Max Reel Size("): 10.5"

Number of heads: 3

Head Composition: Permalloy

Head Configuration: Mono - Half-Track

Voltage(s): 100v Japan

Sound quality rating:5 / 10

Long-term reliability rating: 5/ 10

Additional Details


In the early 50s, a number of Japanese companies brought over Ampex and Magnecord American tape recorders to study and make machines that were similar to them. This appears to be an example of that. Looking like an earlier model relative to the Tokyo Telecommunications GT-6.

Another model, the CP-12 has a lot of similarities but some English on the input output panels.

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