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Sound Rating: 5 / 10 # Owners: 3
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Technical Details

Brand: Teac


Category:Super High Fidelity


Electronics:Solid State


Country of Manufacture:Japan

Release dates:1981 - 1985

Tracks:1/4 Rec/PB

Speeds: 3 3/4, 7 1/2

Max Reel Size("): 10.5"

Number of heads: 6

Dimension: 432 x 452 x 262mm

Head Composition: Permalloy

Head Configuration: Stereo

# Motors: 3

Auto Reverse?:Yes

Voltage(s): 110-120v

Outputs: RCA, DIN

Frequency Response:7½ ips playback: 40Hz - 26kHz, overall: 40Hz - 22kHz 3¾ ips playback: 40Hz - 18kHz, overall: 40Hz - 20kHz (3dB)

Wow and Flutter:0.10% at 7½ ips. 0.12% at 3¾ ips

Signal-to-Noise Ratio:50dB LH - 52dB EE Tape (7½ ips)

Sound quality rating:7 / 10

Long-term reliability rating: 7/ 10

Weight: 48.5 Lbs - 22 kg

Additional Details


The X-1000R dbx was a high quality, three motor, quarter-track stereo tape deck. Several variants were produced with the following suffixes: R (bi-directional record/playback) dbx (DBX-I noise reduction system)

The R model featured six heads, full auto reverse on both record and playback while the dbx models were equipped with a professional level DBX-I noise reduction system. Braking was electrically-assisted, and the tape was handled by a dual capstan drive. A three position tape-type selector gave the user optimum bias and equalization for normal, LH or EE tape. An electronic digital tape counter gave ‘real-time’ positioning.

Other features included: Pitch Control, Tape Lifter, Dupli-Sync, Auto Spacer, Auto Timer

The 1000 was available in matt black or silver finish,  in a wooden case or rack-mountable.

Service considerations
Fairly common is capstan motor failure on the X-1000, X-10, X-700 and many other models. Good preventative maintenance is to turn the machine off when you’re not using it as the motor continues to run while powered up. If you are in need of replacement, there are other motors that can be workable. The original is rated at 7w however the BR20 capstan motor is usable, rated at 12w. Apparently the much rarer X-1000M half track machine used an 11w motor.
If you find a similar motor then keep the original servo board after doing a check over (worth testing the board first. The most common component that fails is the larger heat sinked transistor,  2DD235 or 2SD880.
Before you check the transistors on the board…

  1. Apply DC voltage between 3 and 24 to the 7W motor across the wires in the grey outer, with one or other disconnected from the control board, to see if the motor spins.
    2. If the motor spins, power up the deck and push up the tension arms. Check voltage across the pads that the motor connects to is in range and varies with the speed switch.
    3. If no voltage is found, check the supplies to the board. There are two DC supplies, pins detailed in the schematic. If the supplies are good, troubleshoot the control board. If the supplies are bad, troubleshoot the power supplies on the main vertical PCB (left side of the board)

Additional Info

UK New Price X-1000R/dbx £785 – X-1000/dbx £655
Track System  Quarter-track Stereo
Heads  Six: 2x Erase, 2x Record and 2x Playback for Forward & Reverse directions
Motors (3) Capstan motor – FG DC servo – Reel motors – 2 x DC slotless
Frequency Response (3dB)
7½ ips playback: 40Hz – 26kHz, Overall: 40Hz – 22kHz
3¾ ips playback: 40Hz – 18kHz, Overall: 40Hz – 20kHz
Wow & Flutter 0.10% at 7½ ips; 0.12% at 3¾ ips
S/N ratio – playback
7½ ips: 50dB LH, 52dB EE; 3¾ ips: 49dB LH, 52dB EE
7½ ips: 48dB LH, 50dB EE; 3¾ ips: 46dB LH, 50dB EE
Playback EQ“LH” & “EE” tape
7½ ips: 3,180µs + 50µs (NAB); 3¾ ips: 3,180µs + 90µs (NAB)
7½ ips: 3,180µs + 35µs (NAB); 3¾ ips: 3,180µs + 50µs (NAB)
Channel separation 50dB min at 1kHz
Adjacent track crosstalk 40dB min at 125Hz
Harmonic Distortion at 1kHz and at 7½ ips, 0.8% or less

Bias Frequency 100kHz
Rewind Speed 80 seconds or less for 550m (1800ft)
Inputs – mic/line
Specified input level -60dB (0.775mV) / 10kohms, min -70dB (245µV)
Specified input level -12dB (195mV) / 50kohms, min -22dB (61.5mV)
specified output level -5dB (436mV) / 10kohms, max +1dB (0.869V)
phones: -24dB (48.9mV) / 8 ohms


The TEAC X-1000R (I have the black model, or X-1000R(BL)) is an excellent machine for the consumer/audiophile. It has been very stable and reliable with few maintenance problems; I do take it in for a "tune-up" service every 4 or 5 years, plus monthly head/capstan/pinch roller cleanings. Over the years I have had the drive belts and pinch rollers replaced, and the output level potentiometer had to be cleaned. Otherwise no maintenance issues. Sound is terrific and tape noise/hiss is almost inaudible with Maxell UD/XLI tape. Built in dBX noise reduction is a plus. Highly recommended.
Sound: 8
Performance: 8
2 years ago
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2 months ago

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