Technical Details
Brand: V-M Voice Of Music
Model:760 'Charger'
Category:Mid High Fidelity
Electronics:Solid State
Country of Manufacture:USA
Release dates:1965 - 1968
Tracks:1/2 Rec/PB
Speeds: 1 7/8, 3 3/4
Max Reel Size("): 3"
Number of heads: 2
Head Composition: Permalloy
Head Configuration: full-track-mono
Auto Reverse?:No
Voltage(s): 110-120v
Sound quality rating:5 / 10
Long-term reliability rating: 5/ 10
Additional Details
The 760 ‘Charger’ was a two-track mono battery/mains recorder with two speeds, (1 7/8 & 3¾ ips).
Jacks were provided for microphone, earphone, remote switch and external AC and DC power supplies.
A small VU meter indicated recording level while the unit was in record mode, and battery condition while playing.
Additional Info
Semiconductors: 7 x DS-46 (GE-10) transistors. 3 x 1N1693 rectifiers. 2 diodes / Bias frequency: 35kHz / Inputs: microphone, remote switch / Outputs: earphone / Speaker(s): 3″ permanent magnet, 8Ω / Dimensions: approx 10 x 5 x 2 inches (250 x 125 x 50 mm) / two-track mono